Thursday, 27 September 2018

Cappadocia ultra

Less than three weeks until we go: I'm not sure that I have been this excited about a race before.
Roll on running and exploring Turkey

Monday, 24 September 2018

Ladybower 50- running happy

Ladybower 50 2018

So, yesterday I had the pleasure of running this race.
Picture the scenario : you have a place where you love to train, when you get chance. Then you find that someone has organised a race there. Almost as if it's for you. Perfect. So happy.

The weather was dry and sunny, defying all predictions. The routes were 20/35/50m : 1.5/2.5/3.5 laps of the reservoirs accordingly.
Its advertised as undulating, which I think is fair - some sections you wanted to walk for a rest. Friendly, very very beautiful. The checkpoints only offered water or juice basically, you certainly needed your own food. No need for navigation, follow the reservoirs and you can't go wrong. Opportunity to run fast if you had the energy, the route is mostly track / tarmac, rather than technical paths. To be fair, it would have been difficult to concentrate on stumbly paths with such magnificent views.

Lovely, lovely running.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Ladybower 50

Ran the Ladybower 50 today, a 50 miler around the Derwent Valley in the Peak District. Had an absolute buzz, and an unexpected pb for me of 9.29. I'm sure it was probably because there was no coffee at the checkpoints... Either way, I'm not complaining!