Friday 18 August 2017

Do it while you can...

Just a few thoughts on the 'seize the day' theme.
Life often gets in the way of running and attempting running events. Work, family, money, all take priority to most of us.

I have two youngish children who I adore, and I do my best for them. But I still feel the need to attempt challenging running events, for my own running goals and interest. I am fortunate enough to have much help with childcare at times when I do go away for a few days - massive thanks to all involved.

But I just think that, attempting ultra races and multi day events has a time limit. If I do not take the opportunity to try some of these events now, I will never be in a position to do so. I think that in ten years' time, I will not necessarily be willing to sleep in tents for long periods or go days without a proper shower. Speed is recognised as deteriorating over time (mine was never fantastic in the first place). I am desperate to try things while I have the opportunity, inclination, and fitness.

Surely this applies to all of us- trying to find the balance between what we love to do, and what we need to do. A competitor at an event recently remarked to me 'I wish I would just go ahead and arrange my place on these races, then worry about the logistics after - that way I will let everyday life get in the way less, and not miss out on these incredible evrnts'.
Let's all keep trying, within the imposed limits of everyday life. We will end up doing more, seeing more, trying more, than we ever hoped.