Wednesday 13 September 2017

Ouch... Again

Yesterday, I managed to sustain yet another running related injury. Running at speed around a blind corner, straight into the path of a surprised cyclist. To be fair, I don't think either of us should have been travelling at any speed on city pavements. In a bid to protect myself, protect the poor young chap, and stop his bike falling, I managed to hyperextend all my fingers leaving some bruising and a mildly dented pride. No huge head injuries for either of us, thank goodness.

This is a minor injury in what is becoming a long list of running related items. Multiple tendon sprains, ligament strains, increasingly crunchy knees, scrapes and cuts, even a broken nose: have all been due to falls whilst on the road and trails. I don't count black or missing toe nails as any kind of 'injury' any more, just par for the course. Whoever thought running was a safe sport, was surely not thinking it through.

I cannot be the only one. I don't even consider myself particularly accident prone.
Still, always good to have a story to tell.