Friday 15 February 2019

Spine Challenger : 'race' pace

I just wanted to mention my 'race' pace in this event : or rather, lack of pace. I knew that, for me, this would not be a running race as such, more of a determined stomp through the mud. This was the only way that I would conserve my energy and resolve to get anywhere near the finish. To my mind and plan, there would be no running, jogging, or trotting involved if I stood a chance of lasting out this gruelling challenge.

There is a sixty hour limit on the event, and we finished in just under 54. That's not sounding so fast, I hear you say. Tough, I was chuffed to bits with that.

Our race pace dropped to two miles an hour overall average. I could not have given any more than that, either physically or mentally. We just tried to keep moving. We slept for three hours on the first night at Hebden Bridge checkpoint, then two half hour naps the second night. On our second sleep opportunity, in a coffee shop, I also had a despairing and quiet cry. Finding out I had to walk a further 150m to reach the toilet was enough to break me at that moment : absolutely ridiculous I know. I still haven't managed to write to the coffee shop owner to apologise yet.

So there we have it. I think I finished overall ninth female from the thirteen women who completed . This year's race carried a 65% completion rate. So, I'm still very very pleased with that two miles an hour crawl.