Sunday 30 June 2019

Lakeland trails 100k 2019

A difficult, extremely picturesque event.

This year we were so lucky. We had a warm, lovely midnight start. It remained overcast and dry throughout the day, although energy sapping humidity was in abundance. Plenty of food at the checkpoints, lots of happy marshals.

Incredible scenery en route : trotting beside Haweswater at four o'clock in the morning, just at sunrise, proved to be heartbreakingly beautiful. The arduous climbing resulted in backdrops of fells and lakes - what a pleasure to run in the lake district. To me, it is and always will be, a stunning and dramatically beautiful area to run.

We finished at 20.08: once again, I could not have gone any faster. I found it unrunnable for a larger amount than I would have liked. This race would be a difficult introduction to ultra running. The humidity, climbing, and relentless uneven terrain sapped my energy hugely. At a couple of points I felt I had given everything I could manage for the day - but still you continue, as is the true requirement of any endurance event. I was pleased with our finishing time. Many, many good memories from this event.