This dishevelled pile of down clothing, food packets, old and new running kit, might (I hope) help get me through the Ice Ultra. Flying out later this week. I have got my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly, travel arrangements work, and my kit is sufficient.
The excitement is mounting. I have been floating between feelings of apprehension (what could go wrong? An awful lot of things), and feelings of nervous disbelief that I might have the insane opportunity to run in the Arctic tundra, beneath the Northern lights. What a dream.
My hope is to try and complete this event. I'm afraid, I don't think I'll actually be running much : like the Spine challenger, I think it will be more about trying to move forward and as quickly as possible. Just seeing the place : unbelievable. Being part of this : immense.
I will do my best, on behalf of all plodders in life.