Rumour has it, that 1513 race places were given: of these, 1065 competitors made it to the finish line within the 30hour cut off- a 70.38% finish rate . Of these, my 26.52 finish meant I came 856th:sounds meagre, but I was chuffed to bits. The winner crossed the finish line in 12:32: I have no idea how a mere human could accomplish this (I was still wallowing in self pity at the half way checkpoint then). First Brit, Damian Hall, crossed in an amazing 13:28, the inimitable Jo Meek 18.08. These guys are superhuman.
I think it is fair to point out that the course is tough, the second half felt alot harder than the first. When I was trudging along the final summit, there was a thunderstorm which prompted mountain rescue to drive up to meet us in a hurry - luckily, the storm didn't last. They were also at hand to catch people falling off a slippy Rocky ledge which many of us were trying to cross in the dark..... You get the idea. What a race.