Thursday 11 January 2018

Exciting but terrifying

So, I think the final arrangements for this weekends' race start are finally in place - train times, meeting places, who will be where. I can safely say that I am excited and terrified simultaneously. I am still quibbling about kit - do I need a last minute dash to the sports shop, for what feels like the zillionth time. More food to buy tomorrow to fill drop bags. My kids are looking at the piles of bags and stuffed rucksacks lurking in the kitchen, with puzzlement and comments of? You're going to run with all THAT, Mummy? Yes, small child, well you may ask.

Carbo load? I've done nothing but eat since Christmas, managed to put on about 2 kgs in preparation for this.! I feel the size of a house, and less fit than a slug. All part of the prep, surely.

Well, it's icey here mid country, and cold on the toes just from taking a small walk. I cannot contemplate how it might feel, further North. Only the race will dictate if I have prepared well enough.

A huge huge thanks to Roz, who is taking much time out to come to the race start and will hopefully pop a couple of entries on the blog, if I've worked out the technical aspects of it. Thanks to Ed, your phone calls and input have helped share the worry of the race build up.I could not ask for a more laminated and organised fellow competitor to share this with. Also thanks to Pravin for taking time off to look after the kids and facilitate the opportunity to go away in the first place.

Here we go, guys.
We'll give it our best shot.