Saturday 23 June 2018

Limped through the finish line

So, somehow I managed to limp through the finish line this morning, I think after about 27. 20 hours of being on the move. Somehow, despite getting lost in the woods on the return trip, this is still not as bad a result as I anticipated. Finishing the race was my aim.

The race was every bit as tough as I remembered it. I went through every emotion during the race, between elation and despair. There were tears and many words which I would not repeat in front of the kids. One minute I was eternally grateful for this opportunity to see the Dolomites again : the next, I was determined to never partake again in a such a ridiculous race length as this.

You get the idea.

Probably most importantly, good friends Roz and Caroline came to enjoy a weekend away and support the race. Their support at the race start and finish was second to none: their many texts throughout the event kept me running at moments when I was ready to give up. A million thanks at least, for sharing this weekend and the excitement of this very magical run. The photos are awesome Roz : ladies, long live madcap trips to out the way places in the name of running. Post race celebration ice cream is on me: it might take me a little while to get there on these wobbly feet though.

Thanks for thinking that running long distances in strange places is a normal thing to do :thank you a million for your continued support and interest.

Take care guys.