Friday 8 June 2018

Three aspects of long events?

So, I think I finally boiled the art of long distance racing down to three elements. In my head, if you can co-ordinate these, you'll be able to survive.

1) managing the pain

You are going to hurt. Your legs will be protesting at any unaccustomed distance work. That's before blisters. Be prepared with accessible paracetamol in your bag.

2) managing food

You need to fuel with anything that you can tolerate : whatever you can manage to eat, try and get it down. Just as much as possible to keep going.

3) manage the duration

You will be out for a long time. Accepting that you will be running for a day, or two: accepting the length and time of the event: makes it easier to realisticly continue. Let's face it, you're not going to be having a brew with your feet up, by mid afternoon.

Oh, enjoy those endurance challenges.