Tuesday 7 November 2017

Endurance or just hideousness?

It is starting to become apparent, I think, that there is yet another category of endurance events. A category not necessarily named or officially recognised, but exists nevertheless.

Some endurance events are just gorgeous. Hard work, but gorgeous. Whether it's the scenery, the company, the feel of the event itself - they can be such a good experience to attempt. Every second, a pleasure.

And.... Some endurance events are just plain hideous. Maybe the terrain / weather / the challenge itself : you know from start to finish, that every moment is going to be a grind. There will not be a single euphoric glitter at any given point. Even worse, you may have entered the event with this knowledge. So you really only have yourself to blame.

Why are some endurance events more hideous than others? Part of the variety of life? Not all races of similar distance are the same.

Whichever type of event you're training for at the moment - good luck with that.