Sunday 1 March 2020

Ice ultra - stage one....

Breaking in day, first day. Good road section, then onto frozen lake : through forest, hill. Couldn't stop gawping at the beauty of the area, overwhelmed by the fact that we are here. Relieved the race has begun, after all these months of prep and worry. Trying to get used to what sort of speed I can go (slow),  : bag still full and heavy. Still intimidated by the fast front runners - finding my comfort zone at the back of the pack. Enjoying, loving this. Tried out my bonkers orange snow shoes - they work and that's all I need. Spent time feeling giddy, chatting, playing silly games with other runners, lapping this up.
Tea lights had been placed near some of the markers on the run down to the night camp - this made the whole feel one of magic. Slept in remote log cabins, warm: about ten in each room. Getting food down, according to plan. Gorgeous day.